"Consistency and the gaps of institutional digital learning management and student support systems" study was conducted as a project implementation part

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The study of сonsistency and the existing gaps in the institutional digital learning management and student support systems was conducted in four Ukrainian partner universities of the project (State University of Trade and Economics, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics and  Dnipro University of Technology).

This study was conducted in the form of teachers and students surveys of given HEIs. Thus, the scope of the study was the following: educational process management systems in higher education institutions;

  • existing approaches and technologies for organizing distance learning at universities;
  • requirements for methodical provision of distance learning; the format of teaching materials as a part of distance learning;
  • existing practices of introducing inclusiveness in the digital environment of higher education institutions;
  • algorithm for enrolling students in elective courses; peculiarities of realizing the right of students and teachers to academic mobility;
  • procedures for recognition of study results obtained by students in other HEIs, etc.

Based on the results of the survey, a corresponding Report was prepared. It can be found on the European Commission Portal.