Members of the project team presented the results of the AFID project to the head of the National Agency for Quality Assurance of Higher Education of Ukraine in Stockholm

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Members of the project team presented the results of the AFID project to the head of the National Agency for Quality Assurance of Higher Education of Ukraine in Stockholm

On May 26–31, 2024, Ihor Oleksiv, Professor at the Department of Management and International Business, the Institute of Economics and Management, Lviv Polytechnic, Member of the National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance, and Yurii Malynovskyi, Deputy Director of the Institute of Economics and Management, Associate Professor at the Department of Management and International Business, took part in the experience exchange program «Improving Educational Programs in Higher Education» at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.

The program is organized within the framework of the Baltic Sea Neighborhood Programme of the Swedish Institute and the project Strengthening PhD education in Ukraine for sustainable growth of academic careers (TALENT4UA). The partners are Lviv Polytechnic National University and the National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance. Andrii Butenko, Head of the Agency, as well as representatives of Ukrainian, Azerbaijani, and South African universities took part in the event.

For several years the KTH School of Engineering Sciences in cooperation with the KTH International Relations Office has been organizing week-long exciting programs for teaching staff and leaders from around the world. The main goal of the training is to provide individuals and groups with the tools to implement changes in their institutions by sharing experience and knowledge, establishing relations and cooperation. Participants are given the opportunity to meet with KTH educators and researchers, as well as representatives of many other institutions.

The curriculum included the following topics:

  • Ensuring and improving the quality of higher education – European, Swedish and institutional perspectives;
  • Education for sustainable development;
  • Digital learning in higher education;
  • Rethinking engineering education;
  • Cost-effective educational development;
  • Training of supervisors at KTH;
  • The impact of students at KTH;
  • A framework for the future of education at KTH;

and others.

In addition, AFID project coordinator Victor Kordas (KTH) and Ihor Oleksiv (LPNU) presented the results of the AFID project to the head of the National Agency for Quality Assurance of Higher Education of Ukraine Andriy Butenko. In particular, the Virtual Inclusive Campus developed within the project was presented